The Booty Report

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Arrr, Adin Ross be giftin' Trump a shiny Rolex ‘n a wrapped Cybertruck durin' a jolly ol' livestream!


Arrr, the young scallywag of 23 summers be a right charmer to the hearty lads full o' testosterone! Even the old captain of politics be eyein' 'em, thinkin' they be the key to hoistin' his flag back up high! Aye, it's a jolly crew he needs!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round while I spin ye a yarn 'bout a young scallywag, only 23 years into the sun, who be capturin’ the hearts of lads filled with more testosterone than a barrel o’ rum! This sprightly internet celebrity be makin’ waves on the digital seas, ye savvy?

Now, this former captain o’ the nation, who once sailed the high seas of politics, be feelin’ the heat from this young matey. He be seein’ this lad as a vital piece of treasure in his quest to reclaim the crown, aye! With a crew of wild-eyed swashbucklers followin’ this internet star, it be no wonder the old sea dog be keen to hitch his ship to this rising star.

In this grand spectacle of democracy, where votes be the gold coins, our ex-captain knows he needs to charm these testosterone-fueled lads, lest he be walkin’ the plank of defeat. So, what be a former president to do? Why, he be throwin’ his lot in with this popular lad, hopin’ to ride the tide of youthful fervor right back to the helm!

A motley crew they shall make, a sight to behold! Let the seas be turbulent, for the adventure be just beginnin’, and the winds o’ fate be ever-changin’!

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