The Booty Report

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Arrr! The US be tossin' away its last treasure chest in Niger to a band o' scallywag generals!


Arrr mateys! The U.S. be givin’ up its last fortress in Niger, lettin’ the locals take the helm! Aye, they hoisted the flag of handover in a jolly ol’ statement on Monday. Blimey, what’s next, a treasure map?

Arrr, ye scallywags, gather 'round fer a tale of treachery on the high seas of politics! The good ol' U.S. of A has just heaved anchor from its last military base in Niger, known as Airbase 201 in the bustling port of Agadez. A joint proclamation from Davy Jones' locker, a.k.a. the U.S. Department of Defense and Niger’s Ministry of Defense, declared this fine handover, as Ameri-cannon crews skedaddled from another base in Niamey earlier this month.

By the time the sun sets on September 15, all U.S. sailors shall be clear of Niger, thanks to an accord with the local lords. A couple dozen of 'em remain for administrative duties at the embassy, but they be more like barnacles clinged to a ship than fearsome buccaneers! Once a stronghold against the scallywag insurgents of the jihadi seas, Niger's plotting a new course under the banner of Russia instead, shunning its Western mates who invested treasure in military might.

Alas, with the departure of these brave folk, the future be lookin' murky, as groups like Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin prepare to wreak mischief across the region. So, hoist the sails and batten down the hatches, for it seems the winds of change be blowin’ ill tidings for them that seek to keep the peace!

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