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Arrr! UN had to keelhaul 9 scallywags, sayin' it's just the tip of the cursed iceberg, matey!


Arrr, the UNRWA be caught in a tempest o' scandal, matey! Accused by scallywags o' failin' to spread peace and fanning the flames o' antisemitism! A right jolly mess, I say! Avast, what a checkered crew they be!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the stormy seas of Jerusalem! The United Nations be claimin' that nine scallywags from the UNRWA crew be mixed up in the gruesome mischief that led to the loss of 1,200 souls, including over thirty fine American lads, on the fateful day of October 7th!

It seems the UN, in its wisdom, has decided to toss these nine rogues overboard, sayin' there be enough proof to suspect their involvement in such dastardly deeds. Farhan Haq, the U.N. spokesperson, declared this at a recent briefing, much to the chagrin of UNRWA's captain, Philippe Lazzarini, who had to let these scoundrels walk the plank from his crew!

Criticism be flyin' faster than a cannonball, with Rabbi Abraham Cooper callin' for an end to the funds for this so-called aid agency, which some say be more trouble than treasure. The Israeli crew be not pleased either, pointin' out the dire need for supervision o'er UNRWA's ship, which seems to have more holes than a sunken galleon!

As the UN sails through these murky waters, one thing be clear: the call for accountability be echoing across the seven seas, and the world be watchin' with keen eyes! Arrr!

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