The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! A wee Chinese galley turned treasure trove for Olympic scallywags, feastin’ on dumplings 'n’ gold medals!


Arrr, just a stone's throw from the ping-pong paddles, a fine eatery be turnin' into a jolly roger for fans, team wranglers, and sea dogs in shorts! They be swappin' tales and mead like true buccaneers, though nary a treasure in sight!

Arrr matey! Just a stone's throw from the grand battleground of table tennis, there be a fine establishment that’s turned into a jolly ol' clubhouse for all manner of landlubbers! Aye, it be a place where fans, team officials, and even the scallywags who wield those paddles gather to share tales of glory and mischief.

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