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Ahoy, mateys! Morning Glory be here, as Justice Gorsuch parleyin' his tale for all to hear! Arrr!


Arrr, when a mighty Associate Justice o' the Supreme Court be squawkin' 'bout the bureaucracy bein’ as wild as a three-headed sea serpent, ye best lend an ear, matey! For even the wisest o’ the land know when the ship be sinkin’, it’s time to bail, arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Morning Glory be here, as Justice Gorsuch parleyin' his tale for all to hear! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales spun by none other than Justice Neil Gorsuch and his comrade, Janie Nitze, in a tome titled "Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law." 'Tis a yarn about the pesky Administrative State, a leviathan that be crushin’ the good folk who dare cross its path!

From an Amish crew in Minnesota to a race car scallywag bein’ prosecuted for escapades on snow, the stories be as wild as a ship in a storm! But hark! Despite the uproarious antics, justice be but a mirage, for the bureaucrats remain as unshackled as a pirate on the high seas! The Justice be jesting that he and his mates work hard, yet the sheer number of bureaucratic blunderers be enough to fill a ship's hold!

Even when the Archdiocese of Philadelphia bested the City in a battle over foster care, the damage done be left to rot like old treasure! Gorsuch and Nitze proclaim the need for Congress to rein in these rules, but beware, for the Administrative State ne'er willingly gives up its plunder! So, let us raise a tankard for those brave souls fightin’ against the bureaucratic tide, and may the winds of fairness guide their way! Arrr!

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