The Booty Report

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Arrr! U.S. scallywags be blastin’ Houthi contraptions and sea chariots like it’s a game of cannonball darts!


Arrr, in the last tide, a merry band o' CENTCOM be sayin' that a heap o' Houthi contraptions, ships, and wheeled chariots met their doom! Drones from yon Yemeni shores be flyin' to Davy Jones' locker, fer they couldn't outswim the cannon's roar!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of the brave lads of the U.S. Central Command, who be takin' down three pesky uncrewed aerial contraptions, pilfered by them scallywags known as Houthis! Aye, these aerial fiends launched their flying machines from the treacherous shores of Yemen into the Gulf of Aden, but to their dismay, our valiant forces dispatched ‘em quicker than ye can say “shiver me timbers!”

Not one, but three of their devilish devices were sent to Davy Jones' locker between Sunday eve and Monday eve. And as if that weren't enough, the gallant U.S. sailors also put the kibosh on three more Houthi war machines in the blink of an eye. They be a reckless bunch, threatenin’ the peace of honest traders in the waters.

In another escapade, CENTCOM’s men took down a Houthi sea vessel, an aerial contraption, and even a fearsome missile in the Red Sea, keepin’ the seas safer for all. With tensions risin’ higher than the sails in a storm, General Eric Kurilla be meetin’ with Israel’s top brass, confirm’in strong support, while the waves of unrest roll on. Aye, the bond between these two nations be unbreakable, like a stout ship’s hull!

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