The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Ye scallywags be celebratin’! The finest films, aye, sailed into New York’s grand festival lineup, savvy?"


Avast ye! Fresh treasures from Cannes and Berlin, like Sean Baker’s “Anora” and Mati Diop’s “Dahomey,” be sailin’ in with new booty from Pedro Almodóvar, Steve McQueen, and RaMell Ross! A right jolly haul for ye landlubbers and sea dogs alike! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales of the finest moving pictures from yon grand festivals of Cannes and Berlin! Aye, 'tis no mere trifle, for among the treasures be the famed Sean Baker’s “Anora” and the enchanting Mati Diop’s “Dahomey.” These flickering gems be makin’ waves on the high seas of cinema, I tell ye!

But wait, there be more! The legendary Pedro Almodóvar, the swashbuckler of storytelling, hath cast his net wide with new works that be ticklin’ the fancy of many a landlubber. And let us not forget the masterful Steve McQueen, who be chartin’ courses into uncharted waters with his latest creations, while RaMell Ross, the bard of visuals, brings forth his own bounty of artistry.

So hoist the sails and raise yer tankards, fer this season be brimming with cinematic delights that’ll have ye laughin’ like a parrot at a jest! From tales of valor to whimsical adventures, this crew of artists be settin’ sail on a fine voyage, capturin’ the hearts and minds of all who dare to watch. Yarr, let's feast upon these visual feasts and celebrate in true pirate style!

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