The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Scallywags be diggin' up Roman trinkets, but lo! Some be naught but fancy fakes, ye bilge rats!"


Arrr, a band o' landlubber explorers in Poland be diggin' up ancient Roman doubloons, some as fake as a three-legged parrot! They found shiny bits, clay trinkets, and pots, all tossed to the University of Lublin like treasure for a scallywag’s hoard! Avast, what a jolly haul!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of treasure unearthed in the land of Poland! The valiant Lublin Provincial Conservator of Monuments be shoutin' from the rooftops ‘bout a bountiful hoard of silver coins and jolly Roman counterfeits found by a band o' merry "Group of Explorers." Aye, they be scourin' the grounds of Księżpol, diggin' up denars minted from the years 138 to 251!

The Lublin lads took to the seas of social media to share this grand discovery. When a curious scallywag asked 'bout the value of these shiny relics, they replied, “Priceless!” It seems these coins be rarer than a mermaid's kiss, an’ they suggest a possible connection to ancient trade routes. Among the gleamin’ treasures were coins bearing the visages of Roman emperors like Antonius Pius and the wise Mark Aurelius, aye!

Yet, not all was gold 'n glory, as some counterfeits made by ill-fated Goths were unearthed too! But fear not, matey! The brave explorers, led by Captain Janusz Szabat and First Mate Piotr Magoch, pledged to hand over their treasures to the University of Lublin—like good-hearted pirates of yore! So hoist the sails and celebrate this grand adventure of antiquity, ye landlubbers! Arrr!

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