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Arrr, after Hasina's fall, the Hindus be feelin' the sting o' revenge like a scurvy dog on a stormy sea!


Arrr, matey! For ages, folks be thinkin' that the Hindu crew be backin' Captain Sheikh Hasina, who, after a ruckus amongst the scallywags, legged it and hoisted the sails to parts unknown! Aye, the seas be full of surprises, indeed!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a yarn 'bout the Hindu folk and their supposed allegiance to the fair lass, Sheikh Hasina. Aye, it be said that these scallywags be all in favor of her, but I reckon ye best be holdin' onto yer hats, fer the tides be turnin' in the land of Bangladesh!

Now, picture it, if ye will: Sheikh Hasina, our gallant captain of the ship known as 'Prime Minister', takin' a leap off the plank after the winds of rebellion blew strong. With a hearty goodbye and a wink, she sailed away, leavin' the crew wonderin' where her compass had gone! Some say the Hindu lot were all cheers and hoots for her, but me thinks that be just a wee bit of tall tale spun by landlubbers.

In reality, the Hindu crew, full o' their own tales and woes, be not blindly followin' the captain. Nay, they be lookin' out for a ship that won’t set them adrift on the stormy seas of politics! So, hoist the sails o’ truth, me hearties, for the Hindu lot ain’t just plunderin’ the rumors—they be chartin' their own course amidst the chaos of the high seas of governance!

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