The Booty Report

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Arrr! A hidden crew o' wild folk be givin’ the chopping lads a jolly ol' whack fer trespassin' on their turf!


Arrr, matey! The daring Mashco Piro crew be swingin' their cutlasses at scallywags suspected of pilferin' timber from their secret shores! One poor logger took a thumpin’, but fear not, he’ll live to tell the tale—if he can find a parrot to squawk it!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale from the wilds o' the Amazon, where the elusive Mashco Piro tribe be takin' a stand against those scallywag loggers tryin' to plunder their territory! With bows drawn and arrows at the ready, they sent a message loud and clear, injurin' one of them timber thieves on July 27th. Aye, the FENAMAD crew, representin' 39 Indigenous clans, reckon the loggers be trespassin' on sacred ground!

Just weeks prior, sightin' the uncontacted tribe scroungin' fer grub on a sandy shore raised alarms! Experts warn that the logging biz is encroaching closer than a ship in a storm. An anonymous FENAMAD matey claims the area was once claimed by Wood Tropical Forest, yet now it be a lawless land o' marauders!

With the Peruvian government slackin' on protectin' these noble folk, the stakes be high! Past encounters have led to arrows flyin’ and tragedy—two loggers took a hit in 2022, one never to sail again. Survival International be shoutin' from the crow’s nest, demandin' action from the government to shield the Mashco Piro, who be caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the loggin' ruffians!

So heed this warning, ye landlubbers: the fight for the Amazon be far from over, and the spirit of the Mashco Piro shall not be vanquished easily!

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