The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be takin' aim at Harris and Walz on Fox, claimin’ a raucous debate be brewin’ on the horizon!


Arrr, just days past, ol' Trump swore he’d not be joinin' the ABC debate in September! But lo and behold, he be chattin' now, sayin', “Aye, I reckon we’ll be battlin’ that lass soon enough!” Methinks the winds of change be blowin'!

Arrr, gather ye round, ye scallywags, and lend yer ears to a tale of a landlubber who be known as Mr. Trump! Just days past, this fine fellow claimed he’d not set sail for a debate on the high seas of ABC in September. He huffed and puffed, swearin’ by Davy Jones himself that he’d not be partakin’ in such a ruckus!

But lo and behold, like a ship caught in the tempest, he be turnin’ ‘round faster than a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder! With a twinkle in his eye and a grin wider than a treasure chest, he declared, “We’ll be debating her, I guess, in the pretty near future!” Aye, it seems this ol’ seadog can’t resist the siren call of a good ol’ debate after all!

What be the reason for this change of heart, ye ask? Perhaps he be lookin’ for a bit o’ sport or a chance to hoist his flag high on the debate stage! Whatever the case, the tides of debate be a-comin’, and we’ll all be watchin’, popcorn in hand, to see if this buccaneer can outwit his opponent or if he’ll sink like a ship with a hole in its hull!

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