The Booty Report

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"Yonder American dancer, shunned from the Russian trade, be confessin' to treason—what a scallywag! Har har!"


Arrr, 'tis Ksenia Karelina, captured in the frosty month o' February! She be makin' her grand entrance in court, right after the swappin' of prisoners betwixt the West and Russia last week. Aye, what a jolly ol' trade for a lass in chains!

Avast, me hearties! A tale be told of a fair ballerina from the land of the stars and stripes, Ksenia Karelina, who found herself in a pickle of treasonous deeds! Alas, she wasn't among the lucky souls swapped during a prisoner exchange, but instead, she pleaded guilty to a charge that could send her to Davy Jones’ locker for a good long while!

This lass, who calls both the U.S. and Russia her home, was caught while visitin’ her kin in Russia and was accused of raisin’ doubloons for the Ukrainian army. Aye, she had been seen at protests back in the U.S., holdin’ a sign cryin', "We want peace!" But some scallywags in the press claimed she sent a mere $51.80 to a charity for Ukraine, blowin' it all out o’ proportion!

Her lawyer be sayin’ a verdict be comin’ soon, and if the court’s heart be harsh, she may find herself languishin' in a Siberian jail for a decade or more! So, let this be a lesson to ye, me hearty sea dogs – even ballerinas can find themselves in a tempest of trouble, especially when dabblin’ in politics! Arrr!

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