The Booty Report

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Arrr! Two souls met Davy Jones, while two more be stuck in the splinters o' a wobbly tavern by the Mosel!


Ahoy, mateys! A fine German inn be takin’ a tumble, claimin’ two souls for Davy Jones and leavin’ two more marooned in the briny ruins! The landlubbers in charge be bleedin’ about it hours later. Avast, what a jolly mess!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a rip-roaring tale from the Mosel River, where a fine ol' hotel went and lost its head, causin’ quite the ruckus, it did! On a dark and stormy night, when the clock struck eleven, the roof above came crashin’ down, takin’ two souls along fer the ride to Davy Jones’ locker!

Out of fourteen brave souls, five lucky scallywags escaped the clutches of the wreckage, but alas, others found themselves trapped tighter than a treasure chest! With a plunderin’ heart, the rescue crew, armed with gadgets and canine compadres, set out to save ‘em. But ye see, the building was like a house of cards, and one wrong move could send ‘em all to the depths!

Amongst the chaos, a wee lad of two was saved, along with his teary-eyed mum—what a sight, eh? The cause of the collapse be still a mystery; perhaps a ghost from the 17th century be lurkin’ about! All this hullabaloo took place in Kroev, a quaint town where the wine flows like the sea, and now the townsfolk be shakin’ in their boots! So, raise a tankard to the brave souls, and let’s hope the remaining trapped mates find their way home soon!

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