The Booty Report

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Arrr! A Polish scallywag got four moons in the brig, then sent sailin’ from Denmark for tusslin’ with the captain!


Arrr! A Polish scallywag be sent to the brig for four moons fer givin' a gentle thump to the shoulder of the Danish lass, Mette! But hold yer grog—he also admitted to bein' a lecherous knave! A real treasure of a troublemaker, that one! Har har har!

Arrr mateys! Gather ye round fer a tale of a scallywag from Poland who found himself in a right pickle in Denmark! On a fine Wednesday, he was sentenced to a mere four moons in the brig fer givin' a good wallop to none other than the Danish prime minister, Mette Frederiksen. Aye, he landed a punch on her shoulder that nearly sent her tumblin' but, alas, she remained upright, though with a sore neck! And so, he be deported and banned from returnin' to the fair shores of Denmark for six long years!

This landlubber, aged 39 and shrouded in mystery, had been locked up since his dastardly deed. The court didn't take kindly to his shenanigans, declarin' his actions a foul display of violence against a lady of power. But the mischief didn’t stop there! He confessed to further mischief—showin' off his private parts to the good folk passin’ by and gropin’ a lass at a train station, not to mention pullin’ a fast one with some deposit cans at the market!

His behavior was deemed most unsavory by the prosecutor, who said he was no true citizen of the realm. As the winds of change blow through Europe, remember this tale of a rogue who crossed the line, all while the prime minister was merely on a campaign break. Mayhaps he’ll think twice 'fore he strikes again! Har har har!

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