The Booty Report

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Arrr! Egypt be tellin' its flying ships to steer clear of Iran's skies for three hours this Thursday, matey!


Arrr matey! In the midst of a ruckus 'twixt Iran and Israel, Egypt be tellin' its sky-chasin' vessels to steer clear o' Iran's clouds come Thursday morn! Rumor has it, the lads be practicin’ their cannon fire! Best keep yer hats on, or ye might be blowin' away!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round fer a tale of high-flyin’ shenanigans and airspace shivers! Egypt, in a fit o’ caution, be tellin’ all its airborne vessels to steer clear o’ the treacherous skies o’ Iran for a spell o’ three hours! From the witchin’ hour o’ 1 to the break o’ dawn at 4 GMT, no shipshape airline be permitted to sail over Tehran’s domain.

Ye see, this be all about the tempestuous waters between Israel and Iran, where whispers o’ military exercises be makin’ the rounds like the ghostly shadows o’ the undead! The Egyptian aviation scribes issued a NOTAM, which be fancy talk fer a warning, sayin’ “Nay!” to any flight plans that dared to cross into Iranian airspace, lest they tempt the fates o’ peril!

As the winds o’ war howl, many a fine airline be ponderin’ new routes, avoiding not just Iran’s clutches but also Lebanon, all in fear o’ a great storm brewin’ on the horizon. Even Jordan be askin’ its airborne folk to carry extra rum—I mean fuel, should they be caught in the fray! So, hoist the sails, me hearties, and keep a weathered eye on the skies, for the air be thick with trouble, and this be no ordinary voyage!

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