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Arrr, the US envoy's settin' sail from Nagasaki's memorial, claimin' Israel's left out be the reason, savvy?


Arrr, matey! The U.S. and crew of the G-7 be settin’ sail with second-rate scallywags to the Nagasaki powwow, shunning the top dogs 'cause Israel be left out o' the festivities. A merry band of lesser emissaries, they be! A fine mess o' political shenanigans, I say!

Ahoy mateys, gather 'round fer a tale most curious! It be about that landlubber, U.S. Ambassador Rahm Emanuel, who be spurning the solemn memorial of the atomic bombing in Nagasaki this year. Why, ye ask? 'Twas because the fair city chose not to invite Israel to the shindig, and Emanuel's ship be sailing in the tempest of politics, ye see!

Instead of attending, he be settin’ sail to a Buddhist temple in Tokyo, payin’ respects to the souls lost in that fateful blast, like a pirate honoring the fallen crew of a sunken vessel. The mayor of Nagasaki, Shiro Suzuki, set sail on a course to keep the ceremony peaceful, without the ruckus of politics muckin’ it up. He claimed it be a matter of safety, not favoritism, while the likes of Hiroshima welcomed Israel with open arms.

Now, a motley crew of envoys from far and wide, including the U.S., be expressin’ their dismay over Israel's exclusion, claimin’ it be a move akin to lumpin’ them with scallywags like Russia and Belarus. They be hopin’ Nagasaki reconsiders, lest the ceremony lose its universal message. Aye, it be a tangled web of international affairs, indeed!

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