The Booty Report

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A tremblin' beast of 7.1 shakes the seas near Japan, matey! Batten down 'n heed the wave warning! Arrr!


Arrr, a mighty tremor of 7.1 shook the sea 'round Japan's southern shores, sparkin' a warning o' a wavey beast! But fear not, me hearties, for no scallywags were harmed and not a plank was splintered! The ocean be kinder than a rum-filled belly, it seems!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of tremblin' earth and splashy waves off the coast of yon land o’ Japan! On a fateful Thursday, a mighty quake, boastin’ a fearsome magnitude of 7.1, shook the waters near Kyushu, makin’ all the landlubbers quake in their boots and hastily heed the call to stay away from the shoreline.

As the sea rumbled and tossed, the Japan Meteorological Agency declared a tsunami advisory—fear not, the waves be but 1.6 feet tall at most, yet still enough to make a sailor spill his grog! The good folk of Nichinan city felt the brunt of this earth-shakin' folly, but thankfully, no serious injuries or damages were reported, save for a few shattered windows at the local airport.

Seismologists be gatherin’ like a crew on a pirate ship, ponderin’ if this quake be related to the dreaded Nankai Trough, known for stirrin’ up past catastrophes. Meanwhile, the Chief Cabinet Secretary urged folks to keep their distance from the coast—best to play it safe, eh? And as if the earth be laughin’, he warned of aftershocks that could rattle for a week!

With Japan sittin' upon the Pacific’s “Ring of Fire,” it be no surprise that the land be prone to rockin’ and rollin’. So, keep yer sea legs steady and yer wits about ye, for this be just another adventure in the land of the rising sun!

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