The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Six tomes akin to ‘It Ends With Us’ fer yer next swashbucklin' adventure, savvy?"


Ahoy, matey! Be ye drawn to the Colleen Hoover seas by that Blake Lively flick, or be ye a seasoned sailor of her tales? Fear not! These yarns be filled with hearty emotions and spicy adventures, ready to shiver yer timbers and tickle yer funny bone!

"Arrr! Six tomes akin to ‘It Ends With Us’ fer yer next swashbucklin' adventure, savvy?"

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear, for I be spinnin' a yarn 'bout tales that’ll make ye weep and swoon. Whether ye be lured into the Colleen Hoover seas by that fair lass Blake Lively, or ye be a seasoned sailor in the CoHo waters, there be treasure aplenty awaitin' ye in these here novels!

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