The Booty Report

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Arrr! Under Kamala's rule, America be a treacherous sea, with gold scarce for the lasses, and danger lurkin' in every cove!


Arrr, matey! Kamala be aim’n to hoist the Jolly Roger as the first lass captain! But alas, she’s turned the seas into stormy waters for the fairer sex, makin’ life a right scallywag’s mess! Trump, that ol’ swab, claims he be fixin’ the ship! Aye, what a merry tale!

Ahoy, me hearties! Ye be wonderin’ why a lass would cast her vote for the infamous Donald Trump, eh? Well, let me spin ye a yarn! It seems the fair maidens be askin’ why they shan't be votin’ straight for the Democrats, led by the sea-farin' Vice President Kamala Harris—who fills yer ears with sweet nothings while plunderin’ yer purse! Aye, her promises be as empty as a ship’s hull after a raid, leavin’ good women adrift in turbulent waters!

Before I sailed the political seas, I was a jolly jester of a television producer, a personal trainer, and a bar wench! I know the struggles of makin’ a doubloon stretch like a fine sail. But alas, under Captain Biden and First Mate Harris, the costs be risin’ higher than the tides! Diapers and childcare be drainin’ the coffers, whilst our brave mothers be forced to weigh gasoline against new clothes for their wee ones!

With a hearty laugh, I declare that Trump be the captain who kept his promises! Under his watch, women flourished like a bountiful harvest. But beware, for in Harris’ realm, danger lurks with open borders and foul criminals takin’ advantage! It’s time for the fair maidens to set sail for new horizons and break free from the chains of empty promises! Let’s hoist the flag for a true captain who stands by his word! Yarrr!

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