The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be usin' his parley skills with Qatar and Egypt fer a grand cease-fire, or so they claim!


Arrr, me hearties! The captains of the ship be shoutin’, "The hour be nigh!" to wrap up a parley between Israel and them scallywags of Hamas, demandin’ the deal be struck in Cairo or Doha come next Thursday! Avast, let the treasure be shared!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round and lend an ear to this jolly tale from the high seas of diplomacy! The leaders of the land be proclaiming, “The time has come!” Aye, they be ready to hoist the sails and drop anchor on a deal between the fierce crew of Israel and the salty band of Hamas.

By thunder, they be insistin’ that the savvy negotiators huddle together in the bustling ports o’ Cairo or the distant shores of Doha come next Thursday! Aye, 'tis a grand adventure, fer sure! With parleyin’ in the air, one can only wonder if they’ll be swappin' gold doubloons or perhaps some fine grog instead of cannon fire!

But lo! What be this? Will these salty sea dogs lay down their swords and shake hands across the table, or will they be throwin' cutlasses at each other like rowdy buccaneers? One can only hope that as they negotiate under the watchful eyes of the stars, they’ll find common ground instead of a powder keg of trouble!

So, mark yer calendars, ye landlubbers! Next Thursday be the day when the winds of peace may blow favorably, or it could just be a stormy sea of mischief! Harr, here’s to hopin’ they find a way to share the treasure instead of fightin’ over it!

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