The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Kevin Sullivan, the wrestling scallywag known as the ‘Prince of Darkness,’ has sailed to Davy Jones' locker at 74!"


Arrr, he be struttin’ like a scallywag from them metal bands of yore, donnin’ the mask o' a cursed villain! He tangled with the likes o’ Hulk Hogan, sparrin’ like a fish outta water! Aye, the seas be wild when ye be dancin’ with such legends!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to a tale of a scallywag who be struttin' about like a heavy metal minstrel from the days of yore, the raucous 1970s and ’80s! Aye, this lad took to the seas of the squared circle, donning the garb of an occult-inspired villain, lookin' as fearsome as a kraken on a bad hair day.

With a swagger that could rival the finest sea shanty, he be thundering against the likes of the mighty Hulk Hogan, a true titan of the ring! Picture it, ye landlubbers! Two behemoths clashing with the fury of a tempest, all while our hero flashed his wicked grin, his hair gleamin' like treasure under the moonlit sky. He be yellin’ curses and taunts that’d make a sailor blush, all in good sport, mind ye!

But lo, this devilish charmer knew well the art of showmanship, mixin' theatrics with his brawlin'. Aye, he danced atop the ropes like a jolly sea captain on a merry night, and the crowd roared like a ship’s crew at a victorious plunder! So raise a tankard to this flamboyant fiend, for he be a legend in the making, a true jester of the high seas of wrestling!

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