The Booty Report

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Arrr! Tom's matey nearly smashed his snout in a love spat, yet claimed he be a proper gent!


Arrr, matey! On the lively seas of "Watch What Happens Live," fair Gina Gershon spun a yarn 'bout her steamy romp with Cap'n Tom Cruise in the wild '80s! Aye, 'twas a tale of passion and peril, where their hearts raced faster than a ship in a stormy squall!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the silver screen seas! Fair maiden Gina Gershon be singin' praises fer the dashing Tom Cruise, callin' him a true "gentleman" whilst film'n their first love scene aboard the flickering vessel known as "Cocktail." During her chat on "Watch What Happens Live," she spun wild yarns o' how the gallant Cruise was protective, even after she nearly sent his nose to Davy Jones’ locker!

She spun the tale o' how they were locked in a kissin' frenzy, though he was wed to another lass at the time. "Should we kiss?" she jested, as they kissed like swabs in a tavern brawl. Alas, when Tom tried to tickle her belly, she kneed him right in the schnoz! He laughed it off, sayin', "T'was me fault!" How's that fer chivalry, ye scallywags?

In stark contrast, the hearty Rob Lowe told tales o’ a raucous brawl with Cruise that landed him flat on the deck! Seems like Tom be as competitive as a Kraken in a fishin' contest! Arrr, what a saga of love, laughs, and a few black eyes!

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