The Booty Report

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"Aye, ship o' the skies met Davy Jones near São Paulo, takin' 61 souls to the briny deep! Har har!"


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers o' Brazil be sayin' no souls be breathin' after the tumble 'round São Paulo on Friday. VoePass, the ship o' the skies, be scratchin' their heads, claimin' the reason be a mystery fit for a ghost tale!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to a tale most grim from yon land of Brazil! On a fateful Friday afternoon, when the sun was shinin' brighter than a treasure chest full o' doubloons, a vessel of the skies, the VoePass, met its dastardly end near the bustling port of São Paulo.

The lads and lasses of the Brazilian authorities, lookin' serious as a scallywag with a belly full o' seawater, proclaimed that not a single soul had survived this unfortunate mishap. Aye, all hands were lost, and their fate be sealed tighter than a captain’s chest of gold! None could tell what foul winds or treacherous squalls led to this calamity, as the cause of the crash be as elusive as a phantom ship on a foggy night.

So, raise a mug of grog and toast to the brave souls who took to the skies, only to meet the cruel embrace of Davy Jones! As the winds howl and the waves crash, let this serve as a reminder that even the mightiest of vessels can fall prey to the whims of fate. Mayhap next time, they’ll keep a weather eye on the horizon and avoid such a watery grave!

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