The Booty Report

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Arrr! Tim Walz be a sea dog for 24 years! JD Vance and Trump best tip their hats, savvy?


Avast, me hearties! Since that scallywag Tim Walz joined forces with the fair Kamala, foul jabs at his sea-faring deeds have flown about like cannonballs! Aye, that knave JD Vance be spewin' the worst bilge. 'Tis a right shame, I say, to insult a matey o' the high seas!

Arrr, matey! Gather 'round fer a tale of rivalry on the high seas of military service! 'Tis said the Air Force be dubbed the "Chair Force," and them jests keep the winds blowin' in good spirits. Every sea dog be respectin’ each other fer servin’ a cause greater than the rest o’ the landlubbers. But alas, there be foul winds brewin' against Tim Walz from scallywags like JD Vance.

Now, Vance be a Marine, sure enough, but he only played with the public affairs crew, never seein' battle. Walz, however, be a true sea captain, servin’ 24 years, raisin’ his flag to the rank of Command Sergeant Major! He’s fought for the rights of veterans like a true buccaneer of Congress, while Vance be throwin’ mud from the crow's nest.

But here comes the villainy! They be spoutin’ lies, sayin’ Walz skedaddled when the cannons roared and never made his rank. Nay! He served well past the time he could've sailed into retirement! These foul tales not only slander Walz but cast a shadow on all who’ve donned the uniform. Let it be known, a true pirate respects the service, no matter the colors flown! So, hoist the flag of honor, and let the truth sail wide and free!

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