The Booty Report

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Arrr! Maduro be throwin' X overboard fer ten days after chattin' with that scallywag Elon Musk! Avast!


Arrr, me hearties! Captain Maduro be raisin' the sails o' censorship, decreein' a 10-day blockade on X after a fiery squabble with the scallywag Elon Musk post-election! Avast, ‘tis a right jolly hullabaloo on the high seas of politics!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin a yarn 'bout the tempestuous seas of social media in Venezuela! President Nicolás Maduro, that scallywag, be havin' a spat with the notorious Elon Musk, the captain o' the ship known as X, formerly Twitter. In a fit o' fury, he be orderin' a 10-day blockade on this vessel, claimin' Musk be stirrin' up hatred like a rogue pirate stirrin' a pot o' grog after a night of rum.

As the sun set o'er Caracas, the posts on X be stoppin' dead in their tracks like a ship caught in a whirlpool, with nary a tweet to be found. Maduro, with the swagger of a sea captain, declared Musk a rule-breaker, callin' him out for incitin' unrest among the crew o' dissenters. He be accusin' the social platform of bein' a tool for his foes, tryin' to spark a mutiny amidst the government’s ranks!

With a flourish, he proclaimed, "X out for 10 days! Elon Musk out!" The president be wantin' to regulate these treacherous waters of social media, suggestin' it be used to threaten his loyal mates. Meanwhile, Musk, the sharp-tongued sailor, be callin' the election a grand fraud! So raise the Jolly Roger, for the battle o' words be just as fierce as the fiercest sea battle! Arrr!

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