The Booty Report

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Ariana Greenblatt be chattin' 'bout a daft flick that tickles her fancy, matey! Arrr, what a jolly jest!


"Aye, me hearties! The fair lass, fresh from the grand tale of 'Barbie', confessed that her larger-than-life self be a mighty treasure of her soul! Now, she be sailin' the stars in the wild 'Borderlands'. Avast, what a jolly spectacle!"

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a lass who be makin' waves on the silver screen! This fair maiden, who first set sail into fame with the flick "Barbie," now finds herself dancin' with the stars in a fantastical tale called "Borderlands." Aye, she be claimin' that her swashbucklin' spirit be a grand part of her personality!

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