The Booty Report

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"When them scallywag sponsors be turnin' traitor, ye best be ready for a ruckus on the high seas!"


Arrr, me hearties! LVMH and Samsung be plunderin' sacred grounds at the Paris Games, stirrin' the tempers of their fellow sponsors! Now, the scallywags be frettin' 'bout a repeat ruckus at the grand finale! Avast, the seas of sponsorship be stormy!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the grand Paris Games, where LVMH and Samsung, those scallywags of commerce, dared to plunder the hallowed halls of sponsorship! Aye, they barged in like a stormy sea, ruffling the feathers o' their fellow sponsors who were as mad as a one-legged parrot in a gale! These uninvited buccaneers be makin’ waves that could sink the good ship "Harmony" with their audacious antics!

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