The Booty Report

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In yon wee port, landlubbers and scallywags alike be ponderin', "Who be that lass Kamala Harris, eh?"


Ahoy in Harrisonburg, where the scholars of James Madison be dwellin', both scallywags and mates agree, they haven’t a clue what Kamala be standin' fer! But to them who be hatin' Trump, it be matterin' less than a barnacle on a sunken ship! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of Harrisonburg, Virginia, a quaint little port o' call in the Shenandoah Valley, stirrin' from its slumber to welcome a fresh crop o' students to James Madison University. Aye, Marla, the Texas Inn's trusty captain, spins yarns ‘bout them New Yorkers and New Jerseyans settlin' here like barnacles on a ship's hull, registerin' to vote, she says, without a care in the world!

Now, this Marla, a supporter of that blustery Trump, be as clueless as a landlubber when asked 'bout Kamala Harris. "Not at all," she beamed, as if she be seein' a ghost! Across the political sea, others be just as lost, wonderin' where the good captain Harris be and what treasure she offers. A Democrat named Rick be wishin' for clearer words from her lips, while a fellow named Jim, hailing from New York, be feelin' trapped between a rock and a hard place—votin' for the lesser of two evils, as they say!

As the winds of uncertainty blow through this town, folks be yearnin' for clarity! With the Democratic National Convention on the horizon, the townsfolk await the grand reveal of Kamala Harris. Will she chart a course or remain adrift? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: the ship o' politics sails on, with or without a captain at the helm!

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