The Booty Report

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Arrr, this summer break be stretchin' longer than a sea serpent’s tale, matey!


Arrr, matey! 'Tis the season o' sun and swabs be daydreamin'! Schools be needin' more learnin' days, aye! Some scallywags across the sea be startin' to wise up, while others be already sailin' that course! Give us more lessons, or we’ll be teachin’ ye a lesson! Ha-ha!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin a yarn about the long summer break, which be feelin’ like a mighty stretch, nearly a quarter of the year, and more than 2,000 hours of idle time! Aye, it may seem blasphemous, but schools might be better off raisin’ their sails and addin' more days o’ learnin’ to the calendar.

Sure, the summer sun be callin’ fer outdoor frolicin’ and rest, but what of the wee ones who can’t bask in luxury? Back in the day, summers served a purpose, lettin’ folks escape the swelterin’ heat before air conditionin’ came aboard. But now, with most parents workin’, that ol' break just don’t hold the same weight, me mateys!

Now, I ain’t sayin’ to steal the joys of summer from the wee scallywags, but with camps costin’ a treasure and not all havin’ access, perhaps we ought to rethink that break. Many a landlubber be strugglin’, and longer school days could help keep the little ones engaged while their folks toil away. Aye, if other nations be makin' it work with shorter breaks, why can’t we? So hoist the sails and let’s chart a course for more learnin’ and less loafin’!

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