The Booty Report

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"Avast! The mighty Double Arch be takin' a dive in the Glen Canyon sea! Arrr, nature's prank be afoot!"


Arrr, me hearties! It be said that the fickle tides and scallywag erosion be the culprits behind the great tumble of yon ancient rock, crafted from 190 million moons of Navajo sandstone, as the wise Park Service be spoutin’! Blimey, even the land can’t stand the test of time!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the great geological calamity that hath befallen yon mighty rock formation! It be said, by the fine folk of the National Park Service, that the fickle tides and sneaky erosion be the culprits behind this treacherous collapse! Aye, this grand edifice, forged from the ancient Navajo sandstone, hath stood tall fer nigh on 190 million years, but alas, even the sturdiest of rocks ain't immune to the whims o' nature!

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