The Booty Report

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Arrr, scallywags lamentin' their luck, claimin' a cursed booking led 'em to miss the fateful Brazilian voyage!


Arrr, two scallywags claimed they outsmarted Davy Jones last Friday! A right mix-up kept 'em from boarding the cursed VoePass ship, which plummeted to the depths, sendin’ 62 souls to meet the fish. Talk about luckier than a parrot with a cracker!

Avast ye hearties! Gather ‘round for a tale most peculiar! Two scallywags, Adriano Assis and Jose Felipe, be claimin’ they cheated the grim reaper on a fateful Friday! Their ill-timed mix-up led ‘em to miss a flight on the cursed VoePass airliner, which met a watery grave in Brazil, takin’ 62 souls with it!

Our matey Adriano was barely off his shift at the hospital when he made his way to the LATAM counter, only to find it as deserted as a ghost ship! As he sipped his coffee, he learned too late he’d booked with the wrong airline. Aye, the line was longer than a Kraken’s tentacle! When he finally reached the desk, the agent, like a stern captain, refused his pleas to board. “Ye be too late!” he said, and thus, fortune smiled upon our bewildered sailor.

Jose, too, be caught in the web of confusion, mistakin’ LATAM for VoePass! “Thank the stars we didn’t board that dread ship!” he cried, as he too faced the cold heart of destiny. With a twist of fate worthy of the finest sea yarns, both men lived to tell the tale, while the others sailed on to Davy Jones’ locker!

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