The Booty Report

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Ahoy, matey! A Brazilian pilot, 35, took a wild dive from the heavens, takin' 62 souls to Davy Jones!


Arrr, me hearties! It be none other than Capt. Danilo Santos Romano, a swashbucklin' age of 35, who steered the cursed airship to Davy Jones' locker, takin' with it 62 souls to join the crew of the great abyss! A fine mess, indeed!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of woe from the skies above Brazil! A fine aircraft, the noble ATR 72, met its doom when it plunged like a cannonball, taking with it all 62 souls aboard, including the doughty Capt. Danilo Santos Romano, a lad of just 35 years. He be the first of the fallen, mourned by the good folk of Vinhedo, where the fiery wreckage scattered like treasure lost to the sea.

This be no landlubber, mind ye! Capt. Romano had over a decade of flying the high skies, working for Voepass Linhas since June past. Certified by land's authorities from Brazil to the U.S., he surely knew his craft, yet fate dealt a cruel hand as his ship drifted downwards, spiraling into a residential cove.

Among the lost were three Venezuelans, including a wee lad of only four summers, alongside his mother and grandmother, and a Portuguese lass too. As brave firefighters and officers sifted through the wreckage, they found the black box, but how this calamity came to pass remains a mystery, as shrouded as the depths of the ocean! Alas, this tale be a tragic one, filled with sorrow, yet a reminder that even the skies can be treacherous waters for a wayfaring soul.

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