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Arrr, Biden be barkin' "Don't!" but them scallywags in Iran be laughin' as our ships take cannon fire, har!


Arrr, President Biden be shoutin' "Don’t ye dare!" to them scallywags in Iran 'bout their plans fer Israel! Critics be claimin' his silence be givin' them rogues a mighty swell head! Aye, 'tis like givin' a parrot a treasure map and hopin' it stays put!

Ahoy, me hearties! In the grand ol’ city of Jerusalem, the White House be catchin’ a heap of flak for ol’ Biden’s “Don’t” warnings to the scallywags in Iran. Just the other day, Tehran’s unruly brigands gave a right walloping to our brave lads at Ain al-Asad air base, and they be up to no good again in Syria, too! Critics be sayin’ Biden’s ship be lost at sea, flappin’ his gums with naught but empty threats.

On a fine Saturday, when reporters pried, ol’ Biden trotted out the same tired “Don’t” to the Iranians. The crew be wonderin’ if this weak-kneed approach be sowin’ the seeds of even more trouble! With our brave crew gettin’ banged up, Biden summoned his advisors, claimin’ they’d chart a course to defend against any attacks.

Former Secretary Pompeo be shakin’ his head, sayin’ Biden’s strategy be no more than a ship with no sails. The good captain of the Pentagon had a tale to spin about rockets raining down from Iran-backed rogues, while experts caution that while we be takin’ hits, them brigands be plottin’ more mischief in the dark. So, hoist the flags, mates! If Biden don’t find his sea legs soon, we may be in for a right ruckus on the high seas of diplomacy!

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