The Booty Report

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Ahoy mateys! This Monday’s chatter: Israel be hollerin’ for more landlubbers to skedaddle, savvy?


Arrr, matey! We be makin' house calls fer them scallywag nomads, sailin’ on the winds of wanderin’! Seekin’ treasure or just a spot o’ tea, we be servin’ ‘em where’er they drop anchor! Aye, even the rovin’ rogues need a hearty chat now ‘n then!

Ahoy, me hearty! Gather 'round, fer I’ve got a jolly tale to spin 'bout house calls fer the wanderin' souls, them nomads, aye! Picture this: a band o’ restless scallywags sailin’ the seas, their homes as fickle as the wind, never knowin' where they’ll drop anchor next. Aye, they be a curious lot, seekin’ comfort and a bit o’ coziness, even as they roam the seven seas!

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