The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A cursed Nazi lair so foul, Berlin can’t even bequeath it to Davy Jones himself!"


Arrr, the old haunt of that scallywag Goebbels be a treasure too dear to hold and cursed to hawk! No landlubber knows how to navigate this cursed estate—'tis a right pickle, I tell ye!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round the ol' ship's wheel, fer I've a tale most curious to regale ye! Once upon a time, there be a grand estate, once owned by the nefarious Joseph Goebbels, the scallywag of Nazi propaganda. Aye, it be a fine abode, but alas, it’s now as cursed as a chest o’ pirate gold in Davy Jones’ locker!

This here estate be costin’ more doubloons than a ship o’ fools can muster, and tryin' to sell it be like tryin' to trade a parrot fer a kraken! No landlubber wants to touch it with a ten-foot pole, lest they be haunted by the ghost of Goebbels himself! Blimey, could ye imagine? A ghostly figure shoutin’ propaganda while ye be tryin’ to enjoy yer grog!

So, what be the fate of this ill-fated castle? Some say it should be turned into a pirate tavern, where every drink comes with a side of history and hearty laughter! Others reckon it should be sunk to the bottom of the sea, but that be a waste of good timber! In the end, it remains a riddle wrapped in a mystery, or perhaps a treasure map that leads to naught but trouble! Arrr, such be the plight of Goebbels' former haunt!

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