The Booty Report

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Arrr! She be battlin' the mighty Oil Kraken in Texas, yet them scurvy Republicans be wantin' to crown her D.A.!


Arrr matey! In the wilds o' West Texas, them Republicans be settin' sail to unseat a Democratic district attorney, with a most peculiar scallywag at the helm: a lawyer who loathes Trump and has tussled with oil wells more than a drunken sailor! Avast, what a jolly ruckus!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round and lend an ear to this jolly tale from the land of tumbleweeds and cowpoke shenanigans! In the wilds of West Texas, where the sun blazes hotter than a cannonball in July, the landlubbers of the Republican party be settin' their sights on a Democratic district attorney, seekin' to hoist the Jolly Roger of their own. But hold yer horses, for their chosen candidate be a most peculiar sort!

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