The Booty Report

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Ahoy! A secret scroll shows Hamas schemin' some sneaky sky pirate raid with them fancy gliders, savvy? Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! In the midst of scallywag fears that ruffians like Hezbollah might soar ‘n glide against Israel, Fox News be spillin’ the beans on how Hamas plotted to take flight with their fancy paragliders, lettin’ the whole world in on their mischief! Avast!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of treachery and cunning from the depths of the Gaza Strip! The scallywags o' Hamas plotted a dastardly scheme, takin' to the skies on paragliders to rain terror upon unsuspectin’ souls in southern Israel. Aye, on the fateful day of October 7, they unleashed their aerial antics, takin' the lives of nearly 1,200 folk, includin’ more than 30 brave Americans!

These landlubbers scribbled a plan fit for a pirate captain, seekin' to use their glidin' contraptions for nefarious deeds. They aimed to turn their 'sport' into a military marvel, slippin' past enemy lines with the stealth of a cat! The devious document spoke of camouflaged paragliders and lurin’ adventurous youngsters to their wicked ways. 'Twas a right jolly effort to make their terror tactics seem like a sport, aye!

But lo and behold! The Israel Defense Forces had their spyglass trained on these miscreants, targetin’ their paraglider stash with cannon fire. And as the world watched, even the most unexpected folk, like teachers and professors, found themselves in a flap over this madness. So raise yer tankards, me mateys, to the absurdity of it all—where paragliders and terror intertwine in a most peculiar dance! Yarrr!

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