The Booty Report

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Arrr, the State Department be laughin' like a scallywag at the WSJ's tall tale of Maduro's pardon!


Arrr, matey! The State Department be sayin’ “Nay!” to tales that ol’ Biden be whisperin’ sweet nothings to Maduro, offerin’ him a free pass in return for handin’ over his treasure chest of power after 11 long years of tyranny. Aye, it be a fine jest!

Ahoy mateys, gather ye round as I regale ye with a tale of high seas diplomacy and a scallywag named Nicolas Maduro! The State Department, in all its wisdom, be denyin’ a report that claimed the Biden crew offered amnesty to this treacherous captain in exchange for him weighin’ anchor after an 11-year reign over Venezuela’s turbulent waters.

Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel declared, “That be not true!”—a bold statement amidst whispers of secret parley in the distant lands of Doha, Qatar. Some say there be talk of offers and amnesty like a chest of gold, but the U.S. claims they’ve made no such deals since the last election folly!

While the Wall Street Journal reported that Maduro’s crew, laden with legal troubles, might also be lookin’ for a pardon, the State Department insists they’ve not been wheeling and dealing with the likes of him or his motley crew. Instead, they be pressuring Maduro to come clean from the murky depths of election shenanigans.

Alas, despite international calls for him to step aside, Maduro be holdin’ tight to his captain’s wheel, even as the winds of change howl around him. So, as the world watches this pirate play, one thing be clear: the treasure of democracy be far from claimin’ its rightful booty! Arrr!

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