The Booty Report

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Arrr, Musk be pitchin’ easy questions for Trump on X, but tech troubles be makin’ it all a scallywag mess!


Arrr! Elon Musk, that scallywag, be showerin' sweet nothings like a barnacle on a ship, helpin' loudmouth Trump shout his tall tales from the ol' crow’s nest o' social media, where they once tossed him overboard for his fibbin' about the election tides! Aye, what a merry crew they be!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, fer I’ve got a tale that'd make even the fiercest buccaneers chuckle! In the tempestuous seas of social media, one bold captain named Elon Musk set sail to give a hearty thumbs-up to another scallywag, Donald J. Trump. This be no ordinary tale, for it be a yarn spun on a platform that once cast Trump overboard fer spoutin’ wild yarns ‘bout elections gone awry!

Aye, Musk, the cunning sea dog, took it upon himself to be the wind in Trump’s sails, blowin’ sweet nothings of praise that echoed like cannon fire across the digital waves. With a wink and a smirk, he became a trusty matey, amplifying Trump’s raucous proclamations for all the world to hear. 'Twas as if he found a treasure map leadin’ straight to the gold of controversy and discourse!

So here we be, in the grand theatre of the internet, where ye can find Musk, the jolly captain, and Trump, the blustery first mate, battlin’ against the tides of censorship and doubt. Aye, this duo be a sight to behold, sailin’ together on the ship of social media, plunderin’ the waves of public opinion with a hearty laugh and a rollicking good time!

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