The Booty Report

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Arrr! Mexican sea dogs ponderin’ treason for old El Mayo, caught in the land o’ the free! What a hullabaloo!


Arrr, matey! The good folk o’ Mexico be ponderin’ if it be treason fer those scallywags what turned over Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada to the land o’ Uncle Sam! Aye, they be weighin’ the anchor on some serious trouble fer those landlubbers!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of treachery on the high seas of Mexico! The authorities be ponderin' over whether to charge those scallywags who turned in the notorious drug lord, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada Garcia, to the U.S. last month. On July 25, the feds grabbed him in El Paso, Texas, alongside young Joaquín Guzmán López, son of the infamous Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Now, ye see, Guzmán López didn’t just waltz into the U.S. like a fine gentleman; nay, he snatched Zambada and plopped him on a plane! Instead of showering the U.S. with gratitude for catchin' this villain who’s been terrorizin' the land for decades, Mexico's prosecutors be considerin' treason charges against Guzmán and his crew!

With a bounty of $15 million on Zambada’s head, Mexican law states that kidnappin' a lad to hand him over to foreign authorities be no small matter—40 years in the clink, if ye please! Zambada himself claims he was ambushed, thinkin’ he was meetin’ the governor, only to be hooded and hustled onto a flight!

So, what be the future for this tangled web of drug lords and double-crossers? Only time will tell, but it looks like a storm's brewin' on the horizon, savvy?

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