The Booty Report

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"Arrr, the scallywag who led the panel against Jordan Chiles be a Romanian sea dog in other squabbles!"


Arrr, the high seas of outrage be swellin' among the U.S. Olympic scallywags! A storm o' curses rained down on young Chiles and that Romanian lass, Ana Barbosu, who snatched the bronze! Avast, matey, it be a right ruckus over a shiny medal!

Ahoy there, mateys! It be a tempest brewin’ in the seas of Olympic gymnastics, fer the decision made by the officials be causin’ a ruckus fit to wake Davy Jones himself! The gallant Chiles and her matey Ana Barbosu from Romania found themselves in the eye of a storm, with a deluge of scallywag insults rainin’ down upon ‘em like cannon fire!

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