The Booty Report

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"Arrr, that town chief be sayin' Walz be like Newsom—two faces o' the same cursed blue doubloon!"


Arrr, me hearties! Newport Beach's Captain Will O’Neill be takin’ a hearty swing at Tim Walz, callin’ his skills as a leader during the George Floyd ruckus as shiverin’ timbers! All this before the good mate be shakin’ his coin purse fer gold on his merry fundraising voyage!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout one Will O'Neill, the Republican captain of Newport Beach, who be givin' Minnesota's Gov. Tim Walz a right tongue-lashin' ahead o' his grand voyage to the sunny shores of California!

O'Neill, with the fire o' a thousand cannons, called out Walz for bein’ a bit of a scallywag 'round the time of the Minneapolis riots, usin' it as fodder to show how both he and California's own Gov. Newsom be two sides of the same cursed coin—fittin' right in with the chaos o' the seas, I say!

The Mayor be hopin' to drag Walz down to the local police station, hopin' he'd listen to the fine folk who support law and order in Newport Beach, unlike those busy plundering the streets of L.A. filled with crime and filth, whilst he be rollin' in his fancy armored ship—er, vehicle!

O'Neill also took a jab at Vice President Harris, sayin' she be changin’ her tune faster than a ship in a storm, hopin’ to distance herself from the hullabaloo of California’s policies. He welcomed Walz with a hearty admonition to leave his progressive sails behind and pay heed to a place where the sea be calm and the business stays afloat! Aye, Newport Beach be a treasure trove o' conservative values, and O'Neill's ready to show it off!

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