The Booty Report

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Arrr, America just be schooled in a matter far weightier than the squabble o' identity politics, matey!


Arrr, I reckon merit be a treasure we’ve let slip into Davy Jones’ locker, buried beneath the blabberin’ of identity politics, where our fine ship o’ skills be sailin’ in the shadow o’ our immutable traits. Aye, let’s hoist the flag o’ true merit once more!

Ahoy mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn about how the grand spectacle of the Olympics schooled America on the lost art of merit, savvy? Aye, these past fortnight, young scallywags from the South Side of Chicago be learnin’ that it be not just about the colors ye wear, but the grit ye put into achieving yer dreams!

The grand games showcased fine souls from all corners of the globe, puttin’ their hearts and souls on the line! It mattered not their skin or flag, but rather the sweat they poured into their craft. I told me young crew, whether they be buildin’ an empire or fixin’ a ship, there be no shortcut to greatness; ye must earn yer stripes through hard work and determination!

Take the valiant Noah Lyles, who raced like the wind! He fought through to victory by mere milliseconds, teachin’ us that every second counts. And let’s not forget the fierce Gabby Thomas, who juggled her smarts with her speed, showin’ that brilliance beget resilience! Then there’s Cole Hocker and Quincy Hall, who clawed their way from the depths, remindin’ us that true grit can turn the tide!

Aye, the Olympics be a treasure trove of lessons, me hearties! Let us hoist the sails of merit high and chart a course to greatness! Yarrr!

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