The Booty Report

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Arrr, Walz be shoutin’ like a stormy sea 'bout his grand ol’ military tales at his first solo shindig!


Arrr! The scallywags of Trump be claimin' that Gov. Tim Walz be stretchin' the truth 'bout his grand adventures in ’18! Meanwhile, the crew of Harris be sayin' he just had a slip o' the tongue, like a landlubber trippin' over a barrel of rum!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of political skirmishes on the high seas of rhetoric! It be none other than Donald J. Trump’s crew, hoisting the sails of accusation against the good Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. Aye, they be claimin’ that the governor be stretchin’ the truth like a fine piece of canvas in a storm! In some salty remarks back in 2018, ol' Walz might’ve mixed up his tales, givin' a fishy account of his service that be ruffled some feathers.

But wait, what’s this? The fair Vice President Kamala Harris, in her campaign galley, be rushin’ to defend the good captain Walz, sayin’ that he simply misspoke, like a parrot squawkin’ in the wrong tune! Aye, politics be a treacherous sea, where words can be as slippery as an eel and twice as mischievous. So, as the winds of election blow, we be left wonderin’ if this be a tempest in a teapot or a true storm brewin’ on the political horizon!

In the end, it seems like naught but a merry jig of wordplay, full of blusters and blunders. So grab yer grog and keep a weather eye, for the next wave of political shenanigans be surely rollin' in!

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