The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be tossin’ a treasure o’ $150 million fer fanciful cancer huntin’, like searchin’ for gold on the moon!


Arrr, matey! Since the cruel seas took his lad Beau to Davy Jones’ locker in 2015, Captain Biden's heart be steerin’ towards the treacherous waters of cancer research. Aye, he be makin' it his mission to battle that scallywag of a disease! Avast, let’s hoist the sails for hope!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the captain of the U.S. ship, President Biden, who be carryin’ a heavy heart like a chest of cursed doubloons. Yarr, ye see, back in the year o' 2015, the foul beast known as brain cancer struck down his beloved son, Beau, leavin’ the good captain as forlorn as a sailor lost at sea without a compass.

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