The Booty Report

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"Arrr, the swashbucklin' thespian Ángel Salazar, known as Scarface, has shuffled off this mortal coil at the ripe age of 68!"


Arrr, matey! He first took the stage in the bustling streets of New York, but be remembered best as Chi Chi, swashbucklin’ alongside Al Pacino in that grand tale of ’83! Aye, a true jester of the silver screen, he be!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, for I be spinnin’ ye a yarn 'bout a jolly jester of the stage! This scallywag first set his sails in the bustling ports of New York, doin' stand-up as fine as a parrot on a pirate's shoulder! His jokes be sharper than a cutlass and tickled the bellies of many a landlubber.

But lo and behold, it be not just the stage where this rogue made his mark! Nay, he be best known for his rollickin’ role as Chi Chi, the flamboyant matey, in the grand adventure known as a film—aye, the legendary pic from the year of our Lord, 1983! Al Pacino, the fearsome captain of that ship, be his co-star, and together, they brought the swashbucklin’ antics to life, makin’ the audience roar like a cannon blast!

So raise yer tankards to this merry pirate of the comedy seas! From the smoky taverns of New York to the silver screen, he charmed the breeches off many a fair maiden and scurvy dog alike. Arrr, may his tales of laughter and jests live on like the treasures buried deep beneath the waves! Aye, now that be a tale worth tellin’!

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