The Booty Report

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Arrr! Harris be twistin' the news like a sea serpent, slappin' pro-Kamala spin on Google ads, savvy?


Arrr, matey! It be said that Vice President Kamala Harris be swabbin’ the decks o’ headlines, makin’ 'em shine like treasure in paid Google ads, just fer the Democratic crew! Aye, Axios be spillin’ the beans on this jolly ruse! Avast, what a merry jest!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the curious doings of the Harris campaign! 'Tis said they be plundering the Google seas, buying ads that be twisting tales from yon news scrolls—like CNN and NPR—into a jolly pro-Kamala spin! Aye, the headlines be shiny and bright, but beware, for they be misshapen like a ship's hull after a storm!

Aye, Axios be reportin' this crafty scheme where they be claimin’ our gallant Vice President be fightin’ bans on abortions and lowerin’ health costs, as if she be a sorceress with a magical touch! But here’s the rub: the news outlets be caught napping, unaware their words were being used to hoist the Harris flag! The Guardian even raised a brow, demandin' to know how this treasure was bein’ spent without their say-so!

Now, some say this be a common practice in the trade of ads, but it surely rattles the crew when the lines between news and sponsored tales be blurrier than a foggy morn on the high seas! And while the Trump campaign be sittin’ on the sidelines, it seems the seas of politics be ripe for plunder. So, hoist the sails and let the humorous winds guide us, for this be a tale that be far from over, savvy?

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