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Arrr! Yemeni scallywags be plunderin’ the UN’s rights den in Sanaa, claims a landlubber from the organization!


Arrr! The scallywags o’ Yemen’s Houthi crew be plunderin’ the United Nations’ human rights den! They’ve swiped the ships, scrolls, and even the chairs, says a high-ranking sea dog from the U.N. Blimey, what a ruckus!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn of the ruckus brewin' in Yemen, where the scallywags known as the Houthi rebels be makin' mischief! They stormed the United Nations' fine quarters in Sanaa, pilferin' all manner of treasure—documents, furniture, and even the wheels o' the place, aye!This be just the latest plunderin’ spree by these ruffians, who’ve taken to battlin’ against the U.N. and foreign folk like a crew of scorned buccaneers. With the chaos o’ the Israel-Hamas kerfuffle inflatin’ their sails, the Houthis be targetin’ ships in the Red Sea like a hungry shark, aye!As the U.N. human rights lads and lassies found themselves in a right pickle, their commander, Volker Türk, be demandin’ the rebels to return what they’ve taken, lest they face the wrath of the high seas! But alas, the rebels be as silent as the depths o’ Davy Jones’ locker.With the sea of conflict ragin' since 2014, the Houthis have wreaked havoc, leadin' to a terrible fate for many, with over 150,000 souls lost to the cruel winds of war. So raise a tankard, me mateys, for the tumultuous tides of Yemen, where the fightin’ be fierce and the treasure o’ humanity be buried deep!

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