The Booty Report

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Arrr! Scallywag Mayor Tiffany Henyard’s matey be caught plunderin’ treasure with bankruptcy trickery! What a right jolly mess!


Arrr, matey! A high-flying lawman o' the scandal-ridden seas o' Dolton be caught in the net o' bankruptcy trickery! The grand jury in Chicago be sendin’ him to Davy Jones' locker for his treacherous ways. Aye, what a jolly mess, that be!

Ahoy, me mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' treachery from the foul depths o' Dolton, Illinois, where a dastardly deputy chief, Lewis A. Lacey, has been hoisted by his own petard! Indicted by a federal grand jury fer bankruptcy fraud, this scallywag be accused of hiding booty and treasure to dodge the creditors' clutches, all while bein' a stout supporter o' the embattled Mayor Tiffany Henyard, who be no stranger to scandal herself.

With nine counts against him, includin' false statements and perjury, Lacey’s escapades were as slick as a greased pig on a rainy day! It seems he conjured up a bankruptcy petition as soon as the law came knockin', all whilst misrepresentin' his income and stirrin' up a ruckus about his missus not bein' part of the treasure haul. That’s right, he claimed she was not livin' with him, when ye know the tides of love can be as murky as a stormy sea!

As the village board meets with the likes o' former Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who’s investigatin’ the mayor's spendin' habits that could make a pirate blush, the winds o' change be blowin'. With a combined salary that'd make any buccaneer green with envy, Henyard's ship be sinkin' fast, and Lacey, well, he might just find himself walkin' the plank if convicted, face to face with a watery grave of 45 long years! Arrr, what a merry mess we have here!

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