The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Time's flashy Kamala cover be yet another reason fer landlubbers to scoff at the liberal scallywags of the media!"


Arrr, amidst the fluffy clouds o' wordy seas, Time's scribe, Charlotte Alter, be spillin' the beans, sayin', "Harris be yet to parley with a soul or shed light on her swayin' policies!" Avast, the winds of change be blowin' but the captain’s still mum!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of the political press, which be showin’ less self-respect than a scallywag at a pirate’s tavern! They be swoonin’ over Kamala Harris, whilst she be avoidin’ interviews like a cursed treasure. Aye, Time magazine be in the front of this crew, crowin’ about her “moment,” yet admit she’s not said a peep on her policies! What a merry jest!

Compare that to Donald Trump, who faced the press like a true buccaneer, spillin’ ink for an 83-minute yarn, while Kamala be hidin' behind the sails! They shower her with praise akin to a pop star, likin’ her to Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, while forgettin’ she’s done naught but dance around the questions! Even ol' Cory Booker be claimin’ she’s a Jedi master, twistin’ arms like a seasoned pirate!

Yet, when trouble brews, no blame falls on her but her mates, the staff! ‘Tis a sorry sight when the press be cheerin’ for a captain who won’t steer the ship! So, hoist the flag o’ skepticism, for this be a jolly saga of media folly, where accountability walks the plank! Arrr, what a hullabaloo!

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